As a young boy, long before hearing about anything spiritual, metaphysical or even religious I sensed that there was a greater sphere of reality than what I could see or other people talked about. I received an “A” from an eighth grade teacher for a paper I wrote on the subject “the world we think we see is an illusion”.
I grew up with a very dual experience. Even though I was often in touch with what I would now call the higher consciousness of the Quantum Field, I also suffered with a great deal of inner pain that prevented me from being confident and enjoying my life. I couldn’t understand why I felt so weighed down by these heavy feelings, as my parents were decent people who did their best to avoid passing down the traumas of their childhoods to my sister and I. This drove me into a deep search for answers in my teenage years
Searching for truth was not all I did, happily. I also learned the guitar, and played in several high school rock bands. Following my father’s lead I developed a great love for hiking and the outdoors, and this has remained one of my greatest enjoyments ever since.
Soon after graduating from high school I joined a group of young Americans and Brits on a pilgrimage to India to study with a young spiritual master. I was very motivated to learn why I and so many others suffered, and how we could heal ourselves. That was like culture shock, and I was never the same after that trip.
While most young men were busy pursuing careers and dating or marrying I was living a disciplined, meditative lifestyle in various spiritual communities called ashrams in Colorado, Florida and New York, working as a carpenter and doing lots of volunteer work.
I started my acupuncture and Chinese Medical training in Florida in 1982 after graduating from the American School of Oriental and Homeopathic Medicine in Miami. I went on to receive further training at the Tri-State Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Connecticut, eventually earning a doctorate in Chinese Medicine in 1995 through the National Academy of Advanced Asian Medicine in Austin, Texas.
After graduating from acupuncture school, getting married and having a beautiful child my family moved up to Connecticut, where I started full-time clinical practice in Westport in 1987. I experienced quite a bit of what must have been “beginner’s luck”, as most of my patients reported lots of positive results. The main area where I wanted to get better results was with pain relief.
During my training in Florida a teacher named McWilliams introduced me to microcurrent energy technology, showing me how to use it to enhance the results of acupuncture. Microcurrent is low-level electrical currents used for pain relief, non-needle acupuncture, facial rejuvenation and many other powerful applications. It is an aspect of what is called vibrational medicine, or the use of frequencies and vibrations for healing purposes.
While living in Connecticut I started experimenting with ways to use microcurrent therapies to improve results in relieving pain, and also for treating addictions. I discovered some remarkable results using a crude microcurrent device I had helped build during my acupuncture schooling. Because I was not happy with the microcurrent equipment on the market at that time I was motivated to develop a better system. In cooperation with some talented engineers I developed a much better system – the Acutron – and received FDA clearance for it in 1988.
From 1989 until 2014 I divided my time between teaching seminars around the USA and abroad, doing research and working with patients. I added color light therapy to the Acutron system in 2001, opening the way for new applications for non-surgical facial rejuvenation, improved pain relief, emotional balancing and chakra balancing. Since then I wrote four unique books and enjoyed music and songwriting on the side.
I always had a keen interest in consciousness and spirituality. I found myself sharing more of that part of me in my live seminars, often demonstrating what seemed like miraculous healing results while doing demonstrations with chronic pain patients in front of the seminar rooms.
I moved to Marin County, California in 2013 and went through a big change after that. I became disillusioned with my focus on healing technologies, business and some of the spiritual healing methods I had been working with. I went through what many have called a “dark night of the soul”, deeply questioning what I was doing with my life, and calling to my spirit for new light. It was a kind of spiritual breakdown.
I was led to do a personal retreat in Guatemala, where I worked with two shamans who confirmed I was ready for a major shift in my consciousness. After I returned from that pilgrimage I was led to study with a series of teachers and mentors who offered me new ways to deepen my knowledge and healing abilities. I learned advanced quantum and 5D methods that awakened deep soul memories in me. After working with their methods for a couple of years I received a powerful revelation of the Quantum Catalyst Healing work I was meant to share.
I realized my connection with Christ Consciousness, and how this field of perfect love and grace heals through me. I became a lot happier after that! I also started receiving frequent messages and guidance from the spirit of Yeshua (Jesus), Divine Mother and Archangels, even though I had grown up Jewish without any belief systems about these beings.
My focus significantly shifted into working with people who had suffered with trauma and had developed symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). I was also drawn to supporting other doctors and holistic practitioners in claiming their Master Healer capabilities so they could fulfill more of their great potential to heal and uplift others. I knew it was time to walk my talk and I downsized my manufacturing and seminar business and devoted myself to this passion.
I was ordained as a Knight Minister in 2016 through the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope, an international healing ministry.
Since I re-prioritized my life my ability to facilitate profound healing and life transformations for others has expanded exponentially. While I continue to use vibrational technologies such as light, sound and microcurrent to enhance results for clients, my main focus is helping people awaken their consciousness and fulfill their higher purpose. There is nothing I love more than seeing someone who has felt stuck and inhibited by trauma, or cut off from their own spiritual source, to get inspired and freed up to finally move forward doing the purpose deepest in their hearts.
In 2017 I founded Bridge to Mastery Consciousness Institute, an online school for training physicians and healers to expand their work to the Quantum healing level, and go through a process of personal spiritual transformation. Since then healers from all over the world have gone through this program. In 2021 I founded Lightworker Ministry, a non-denominational and non-dominational church dedicated to empowering Lightworkers of any spiritual tradition to come together to help transform our planet.
As you can see, my life experiences have been eclectic. I have been passionately drawn to explore in many areas – many of which have been on the frontiers of what was commonly known and accepted.
It is my conviction that every experience each of us have had – the good, the bad and the ugly – have prepared us to discover our superpowers and fulfill our life purpose. And that is what fulfillment is – being who you really are and doing what you are here to do.
I now bless all the pain and struggle I went through because without that I would not be able to empathize with and deeply understand people as I am able to do now.