Registration is Now Open For the

Quantum Embodiment Program and Retreat

June-July 2024


Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Quantum Catalyst.

  • Raise the effectiveness of your work to the Quantum level
  • 5 interactive Zoom sessions plus live, in-person retreat
  • CEUs offered

Step Into a New Version of You

You have the opportunity now to embody more of your divine Self in everyday, physical expression. This is your master healer within. The growth, inner healing and success you seek arise as you release old conditioning and go through this transformation.

This Retreat, including the online events leading up to it can be a major shift point in your life and career. Read on to learn more about how you can participate.

Tell Us, Is This You?

You have already learned so much, experienced so much, and done a load of personal growth, yet a core part of you still feels unfulfilled...and tired.

You're feeling stretched and sometimes frustrated with some clients who come to you and don't receive the results they're looking for. You would love to be able to heal more masterfully.

You've looked for spiritual mentorship and sacred community, yet have often felt disappointed by what you found.

You would love to crack open your high heart and express more of the pure love that you know yourself to be.

Imagine being part of a community of awakening masters, enjoying the luscious feeling of being home with your true family. You are gaining confidence in your ability to help your clients heal their difficult, convoluted or even scary issues because you’ve gained trust in the source of all healing.

Balancing fun and passion with productivity, you learn to achieve more while enjoying your life in the Now. Imagine having gained the secrets of awakening your consciousness while upgrading your body.

Hear From Past Retreat Participants

The online Mastercourse program culminating in the live retreat was profoundly healing, transformational, inspiring, evolutionary and motivational. It truly was all remarkable- your presentation, the incredible individuals and group. 

Santon de la Vie

Teacher and Transformational Coach

I am so grateful for the tools and practices Darren has imparted to me to help me step into my divine presence. I had been struggling to raise my vibrations and this program supercharged my abilities to live my higher purpose.

Mo Perez

Licensed massage therapist

I’ve been getting even more amazing results with people because I’m holding a different space, and it’s been life changing for me, for my clients and they’ve referred a lot of other people to me, so everything’s been expanding.

Shannon Hershmann Doe

Myofascial Therapist

What's Inside the Program

5 weekly LIVE INTERACTIVE Teaching and Practice Sessions

These two hour modules contain a lively mixture of powerful processes for gaining skill and confidence in Quantum Healing as well as guided transformational practices and one - one practice sessions in Zoom breakout rooms. Sessions start on June 27, 2024.

Quantum Embodiment Retreat - 4.5 days LIVE, IN PERSON EVENT

This highly transformative, total immersion experience is profound, life-changing and will expand your professional skills as a healer or coach. You’ll love the high level of the people you’ll be joining, and it is also great fun. The last retreat earned the highest rave reviews ever!

Location: Northern California

Private, One-One Quantum Healing and Coaching Session with Darren

This session is included in your enrollment, and will be very valuable to deepen your personal healing and clarify your path forward. He has remarkable abilities to read your higher soul purpose, reflect your superpowers and bring hidden blockages that have held you back into conscious awareness so they can be cleared.

Quantum Awakening Video Course

As a bonus you’ll receive the Quantum Awakening course for personal development at your own pace. It consists of 9 concise video lessons and worksheets plus invitations to live Lightworker community events and bonus classes. Quantum Awakenings offers clear animated explanations of the most powerful embodiment meditation practices, methods for self-healing and chakra balancing, the Quantum way to boost your finances and more.

Weekly Group Meditation and Energy Upgrade Sessions

These happen each Tuesday morning on Zoom, and provide deepening of your awareness and Quantum activations to accelerate your awakening.

2 Optional Q&A Sessions

Receive extra, personal attention when you need it with course content or personal issues.

Supportive Media and Resources

These include:

  • Access to the custom-designed, private member website
  • Video and audio recordings of all Zoom sessions
  • CEUs: 24 CEUS are offered for licensed acupuncturists through NCCAOM and California Acupuncture Board.

More Testimonials

Rachel Gila, Qigong Teacher

Shannon Morse, Fitness and Nutrition Coach

Shannon Hershman, Myofascial Therapist

Book a Complimentary Discovery Call with Darren

Book a Discovery Call to learn more about the program so you can decide if it's right for you. You'll also receive a complimentary mini-reading and roadmap for your path forward, which you will benefit from regardless of your enrollment decision. On this Discovery Call we'll break through any challenges you face and it is likely you will have an experience of transformation and the Quantum Field.

Value of What You'll Receive

5 Interactive Zoom Sessions: (Value $995)

Weekly Group Meditation and Energy Upgrade Sessions - Ongoing Access (Value $995)

Quantum Embodiment Retreat - 5 days (Value $2500)

Q&A sessions (Value $250)

PDF Notes for each teaching session (Value $275)

Access to an online and in person conscious community (Value - Priceless!)

Quantum Awakenings Video Program (Value $395)

A Free Copy of Darren’s book Awakening the Avatar Within (Value $20)

Awakening the Avatar Within Audio and Video Online Mini-Course (Value $97)

Total Value: $5527

Because this is the first time this unique package is being offered, today you can step into your Quantum Master Healing Power for a greatly reduced fee. Register now for just:

$2497 or 3 payments of $875 each

Registration Options:

Pay in Full

1 payment of


Payment Plan

3 payments of


Retreat center room and meals cost is reasonable and not included in tuition quoted above. Options will be discussed during your Discovery call.

money back

14 day Guarantee

Risk free

Quantum Embodiment Program and Retreat Guarantee

With our 100% Risk Free Guarantee you can experience the live interactive Zoom sessions for 14 days risk free. If the course isn’t for you for any reason, you’ll receive a full refund.

visit us

Interested in the Program, but Have Questions?

60-Minute Free Discovery Call Offered with Dr. Darren Starwynn

Are you interested in this program, but need some personal contact in advance to make sure it’s a good fit for you? Click here to book a complimentary, 60 minute Discovery call with Darren to meet him and discuss the program. During this call he will offer you a personalized roadmap for fulfilling your intentions and goals and a mini-intuitive reading.


Darren Starwynn

When successful acupuncturists, healthcare practitioners, coaches and business owners are ready to take their consciousness and work to the next level they turn to Darren Starwynn. As a “Quantum Catalyst” he helps you open your heart and awaken your superpowers, so you can make your most valuable contribution and thrive.Darren loves empowering people to step into leadership so they can expand their circle and become a vital part of the solution.

He frequently receives enthusiastic acclaim from attendees of his workshops and retreats because of the profound, life-changing experiences so many of them have.
Darren has written four groundbreaking books including bestseller Awakening the Avatar Within, led hundreds of workshops and trainings, and invented vibrational medical devices that have been sold internationally since the 1990’s.

Darren has over 30 years experience in acupuncture, Chinese medicine, energy medicine and spiritual healing. He has mentored or inspired thousands of healthcare practitioners, business owners, healers and meditators to embody Quantum principles of healing, leadership, spirituality and financial success.
Darren believes that true spiritual awakening best takes place in a strong and well-grounded body. Therefore he emphasizes both physical fitness and core emotional healing for his students and clients.

Darren's healing journey started during his childhood, when his burdens of deep, unexplainable inner pain pushed him into a search for solutions. His path took him through brushes with mental illness, drug use and then into traveling the world studying with advanced spiritual master teachers. Darren says "I feel like I've lived many lifetimes in this one. Now it is my greatest desire and honor to help other Lightworkers to free themselves from old conditioning in an easier way than I went through, so they can step into their courage and mastery."

Darren is Director of Bridge to Mastery Consciousness Institute, and also serves as lead minister of Lightworker Ministry.

Darren has a unique gift that sets him apart from other teachers: he is a conduit of light and a catalyst for Lightworkers and healers to step into their full potential. I am forever grateful to know him, his courses and his retreats


Yoga Instructor and Sound Healer