Moving from muggle to Magician

By Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Quantum Catalyst

July 16, 2024

Statistical analysis shows that about 22% of Americans report frequent experiences of depression. The number may be even higher globally. 12.7% of Americans take anti-depressant medication, an increase of 64% since 1999.

In this post I will explain why depression, and other forms of chronic suffering can be a gift. Hard to accept? Perhaps. Yet these experiences can be a gift when they act as a wake up call into a higher level of living.

Here is a prime question- when someone says they are depressed, who is it that is saying that? Which part of them?

We are complex, multi-dimensional beings. We have an animal body and a feeling nature that can rise to heights of enlightened joy or sink to depths of dark despair. Or strange, muddled mixtures of the two. Our truest Self is a spark of Divine perfection, not subject to the dualities of our feeling nature.

We can see these mixed aspects of us reflected in our human societies. Humanity has created stunning technologies channeling God-like powers, and our creative arts can express great beauty and sophistication. Increasing numbers of people are awakening their consciousness all over the planet. Yet at the same time we perpetuate horrific genocidal wars, repressive governments, massive injustices and behaviors that degrade our planet.

Quantum physics and other visionary systems have revealed that everything is inter-connected. Therefore both the heights and depths of human experience are holographically reflected inside of each one of us. That means whatever inspires or horrifies you in the world has counterparts inside of your own mind.

I often use the word “muggle” coined by author J.K. Rowling to refer to the unawakened parts of ourselves. The muggle part of us feels separate from the cosmos, “exiled” into identification with our box-like small self. This is the realm of the conditioned mind that can be manipulated and controlled. And is.

On the other hand the Magician, or Avatar parts of us are in the process of opening the energy channels of our body and unburdening our Heart. Thus we are able to perceive the true inter-connectedness of all life. Awakening Avatars are learning to directly sense and tap into the source of love, energy, knowledge, power and abundance. All success arises from this vital recognition.

The muggle part of us is based in fear and a sense of separation. FEAR truly means:

False Evidence Appearing Real

The underlying experience of FEAR often manifests through our physical and emotional “issues”. Those are the pains, energy drains and health issues that are hard to fully resolve, and keep demanding lots of our time and attention. Muggles take loads of drugs and engage in many kinds of addictive behaviors in an attempt to make these uncomfortable issues “go away”.

People on a more conscious path have issues also. We tend to invest lots of time and money going to healers, therapists, shamans and investigating various spiritual paths. Yet getting to a satisfying resolution often remains elusive.

So what gives? Why can it be so hard to heal?

The ancient Sanskrit term samskara refers to accumulations of deeply held impressions in the psyche, a lot like deep ruts in the Earth. Samskara has been created over time, and tends to create feelings of being “stuck” in various ways. I often call samskara the “residoo-doo” of the past.

Chronic depression is one of the ways you experience this residoo-doo. I say chronic because short-term depression can be a natural response to losses and disappointments of life. Yet when depression persists it is a message to you from the hidden depths of your subconscious mind and soul.

The messenger of depression is not there to punish you, but to get your attention. Why? So you will stop running from your deeper feelings and really listen to what they are telling you.

This is called your inner work, and it is one of the highest priorities of life these days.  Inner work is the process of patiently examining the shadow aspects of your psyche so you can get in touch with parts of yourself that have been denied, rejected or split off. As you do this you can heal these parts by bringing them back into harmony with your heart and soul. Not for the faint of heart, but then again, what is?

Why is this so important?  Let me count the ways!

Doing your inner work is vital because:

  1. Integrating these unexamined parts of yourself is a basis for true happiness.
  2. You get to access more of your love, inner power and wisdom (the attributes of the Divine within you).
  3. Your chakras become more balanced, helping clear up many of your chronic health and psychological issues.
  4. Resolving these dense, split off aspects helps you raise your spiritual vibration, making you more useful and effective to others. That helps make you more successful (and popular).
  5. Because you are holographically interconnected with all life doing your inner work contributes to the healing of others and humanity.

It is natural to need the support of others at times in navigating challenging aspects of your inner work. Working with a skilled healer or therapist can be just the thing when the going gets tough. Yet ultimately only you can stop projecting your pain outward and say “yes” to really looking within. As you do that you are evolving yourself and fulfilling your life.

After experiencing a variety of healing arts and practicing many of them, I have found the system of Quantum healing to be a most magical gift for getting to the heart of the matter and helping resolve long-held issues. Quantum healing is more about awakening and empowerment than it is fixing problems.  And yet the problems lighten up as you commit to your higher path and do your inner work.

Now can you consider why depression could be a gift?


Depression, depression is a gift, quantum healing, Subpersonalities

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