by Darren Starwynn, O.M.D., Quantum Catalyst

The Mastercourse is a solution for people who are feeling an inner call to develop their abilities, increase their effectiveness and free up their hearts to live in a state of radiance.

It is also a group of sincere people coming together to support each other in realizing these virtues. Being a part of this conscious group is a real privilege, and one of the sweetest aspects of the program. It is very valuable for healthcare practitioners, healers, coaches, conscious business owners or other leaders.

Here is how it works:

The Mastercourse is a 14 week online program. We meet once a week on Thursdays for one hour and 45 minutes on 13 of the 14 weeks. These are called the Modules, and are the main live meeting time. These modules are full of high level teachings, one to one practice sessions in Zoom breakout rooms, profound group meditations and lively discussions. There is a specific focus to each Module you can read about on the webpage.

There are additional group meetings that are optional, such as a weekly 30 minute Quantum Meditation session, Q&A groups for extra personal help and business development intensives.

The peak experience of the Mastercourse is usually the 3 day retreat. This is offered in person in a gorgeous Northern California retreat center. Those who are unable to make it in person can participate via Zoom. It’s hard to put in words how transformative, uplifting and fun these retreats are, but I’ll let these people who came last time describe it:

“I experienced a deep healing and release. I gained clarity, wisdom and a beautiful perspective on my life as a whole…This avatar healing feels like something I can easily integrate into the services I offer”  Mia R., Reiki Master Practitioner Teacher

 “I experienced life changing moments during meditations. I have been unwound and unbound. I experienced feelings of a very high level of love and transformation. I met, felt and saw parts of me (within) that will absolutely change my future.”  Shannon L., Practitioner

The Mastercourse also includes one or more individual Quantum healing and coaching sessions with me, a private member website with bonus materials for each Module, member chat room and recordings of all sessions. There’s a lot more included, and you can read about it on the webpage.

Each person interested in the Mastercourse is offered a complimentary Discovery call with me. During this call we discuss the program and how it could apply to you and your situation. This allows both of us to make sure it is a good fit for you. I also will also offer you the gift of my Quantum coaching to create a personalized roadmap for your path forward. This is my gift to you whether or not you join the Mastercourse. You can request a Discovery call at

As you can imagine, there’s lots of people excited about being part of the Mastercourse, but feel concerned about having enough time and/or money to do it. The next and final email in this series will address that, and share some wisdom that will help you, whatever your path forward is.


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